Whats New Thursday
I had rotator cuff surgery about 15 years ago on both of my shoulders, one at a time, and I have not had any problems. I had to use a machine to keep my arm moving 6-8 hours a day for seemed like weeks. Don't remember how long. I have no restriction on my shoulder movement at all. To me it was well worth it. Good luck.
michael tore his about 15 years ago-two surgeries-neither perfect but he found relief from pain-then his fall in 3/06 at work tore it again- resulting in his surgery in january this year-he was virtually without pain til the therapist lifted it a month ( 6 weeks?)ago-now we are looking at another possible surgery-and doc is afraid taht there isn't enuff leftto work with.....
you will be fine-you know better!!!! if you don't have it repaired you could make it worse....
big girl panties, jan!!!
yeah i know i have to have the surgery done just hate too. I have way too many things i like to do to stop now. i am thinking that i will probably have to have it done on the left shoulder too but maybe it is just arthritis in that one. which is what the right one started out as ...anyway just hate to be immobile during planting and growing season. lol
my surgeon said that the tear will get worse if i dont fix it now. and that it is a harder surgery the worse the tear is. So guess i will make an appointment before long. Thanks for straighten me out.
Good morning OFF sisters. I hope that today is good for all of us.
Nothing much happening here for sure. I would like to get the kitchen cabinets worked on today. I wanted to do some of it yesterday but ended up running all over so I didn't have time. Today I would like to fini**** up but sometimes just working on getting to the end is a good thing.
I have a few errands to do today and I am planning on spending the rest of the day here. I hope that the best made plans gets carried through. lol
It is overcast this morning. According to the weather man last night it isn't going to be over the 60's for the next 5-7 days. It isn't going to be much warmer during the night either. The nights are going to be in the 30's and the 40's. I just wish that summer would get here and stay here for a while. I am so sick of rain. If I see another rain drop I am going to scream!!!!
My flower bulbs from the church fundraiser came in yesterday. They were delivered here and so now my home smells like dirt and moisture from the dirt. I guess I should have said moist dirt. That would be the smell. lol I have to sort all them out and get them to the church on Sunday. I wanted to take them down today or tommorrow but we are having a Mother/Daughter banquet tomorrow and so there isn't going to be a lot of room and I don't want the kids getting into them either. I only hope that they work out because I am afraid that the whole order isn't there since it is all in one box. Unless they crammed them in there. Misty is having a great time with the box. She keeps getting up there and smelling it. I guess she thinks it is just another thing that belongs to her.
Bill's cell phone is yelling it is time to get up because the time is 9 o'clock. I don't know what he did but he must have been playing with it again. Every once in a while he plays and then it starts doing something really annoying. lol
I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone. Special ones are going up for those who need them. Have a safe and blessed day beloved sisters and brothers.
Good Morning Jan and everyone....
Not alot happening around here. Pretty quiet day for me . I have to work about 4 hours today and then I am off until Monday. That is awesome!!!
I hope Carla has a safe flight to Chicago and back.
I am soooooo happy for Kathi.....woooohoooo a date!!
I just don't have anything to chat about so I will just say have a great day and I will chat with everyone tomorrow.
Hugs, connie d
on 5/8/08 1:34 am
on 5/8/08 1:34 am

Hi Jan and everyone:
Sorry about your rotator cuff; can't pitch today, huh? My mom has a similar problem; she tore hers when she fell off a step stool in the kitchen trying to change a light bulb. She also broke her pelvis at the time (she was in her late 70s then). They didn't do anything to the shoulder and she just did PT, so she still can't lift her left arm very high. I know all about trying to sleep with pain; I've gotten up many times in the middle of the night to take another Vicodin for my knee/back. It's no fun. Hope you can get some relief.
We had rain yesterday but nothing yet today, although it's cloudy and coolish here today. I had the annual "squish the boobs" day; it was relatively easy. Either I am getting better techs to do this or since I lost weight, it doesn't hurt as much anymore.
Also, I got a call yesterday from my gyne's office with my biopsy test results: all normal! Nothing bad on the cervical polyp or the endometrial sampling. Yey! So I'm all clear there for another year. I seem to pop up a cervical polyp every year; don't know why.
Before the mammogram, I stopped at PetsMart for cat supplies -- even kitty litter has gone up. The brand I buy is the store brand and it used to be $9.49 on sale; it's now $12.49 on sale. Well, got to buy it or the cats are going to go on the floor. So I bought my 40 lb. box of that, some cat treats and a bag of food; then went across the street to Starbucks for some coffee, then to Hallmarks for some cards (had a coupon for $8 so I bought a Mother's Day card, some birthday cards and it only cost me $3.49), then on to the mammogram. Stopped on the way back at Walgreens ... that was the expensive stop: $119! Yikes! That was mostly prescriptions, although I did buy a new pair of sunglasses ... mine have disappeared, although they were kinda broken anyway, so it was time for a new pair. Also bought some of those ThermaCare wraps for my knee because they were on sale, I had two coupons. I have one on now and I don't really feel any effect.
I hear you, Margo, about the gas: It's up to $3.89 a gallon up here. It jumped 20 cents overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. I put in $30 on Monday because I had to and now I'm down to a half tank and need to put some more in; I'm down to $30 again in my wallet and it's going all in the tank. My finances are squeezed about as tight as they can be. I'm working on a 2005 budget on 2008 prices. I don't know how long I can handle this.
Well, I guess I should see if there's any work to do. Have a good day.
Hi All
I got back from my 2 year post op visit about 2 hours ago. It went well. I'm still a pound below the very reasonable goal we aimed for. Labs are "perfect", and he said I could cut back a bit on my Vitamin B-12 (sublingual) 'cause my level is 1500. I don't plan to cut back too much, as he said your body just flushes out anything more than you need, and if it gets too low, I might have even less energy than I already do. He's pleased, I'm pleased, and I don't have to go back for 6 months.
On the way to the doctor, I stopped at Dress Barn because they had a sale and I had a coupon. I love their clothes, current styles but still classic looking. I plan to keep my new clothes for a very long time, as I WILL NEVER outgrow them again!! I made myself a promise. Anyhow, I spent $56, and saved over $74! Ended up with 2 blouses and a pair of dress pants, AND (for those at the Palooza who encouraged me to buy that beautiful halter dress), a pair of samdals and a bag to match the dress, which I plan to wear to my 40th class reunion this summer.
When I got home, I was still feeling fine about my day, so I threw on some old clothes and moved a mountain of bark chips into some of my flower beds. I've had about enough weeding already this year, and 6 " deep of bark should go a long way in helping cut back on the weeds.
Now I can go get some more plants! I got spoiled last month with our week of 70 degree weather. Now I'm chomping at the bit to get out and play, and it's only 40-50 degrees most days. Much too cold for me to be outside without freezing off my hiney.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks for listening.